Exploration For Humanity (EFH) operates under the laws of the State of California (Org. Number C4033515) and the U. S. Department of Internal Revenue (Employer ID number 82-2537641). We were incorporated as a Nonprofit Research and Charitable Association in California in 2017. Donations to EFH qualify for Tax Deductible status under Section 501(c)3 of the US Internal Revenue Service tax code.
Members of the team have been cooperating since 2015. Our motivation today is to develop and provide modern, cost effective exploration practices to the detection and mapping of landmines and other targets such as Unexploded Ordnance (UXO), the Remnants of War (ERW). The funding of this work has been by support from private citizens. It is also being sought from philanthropic and active mine removal Trusts and other NGOs, state and federal governments and military agencies.
The account for Exploration For Humanity is kept at US Bank. We prefer checks rather than PayPal, but please don't hesitate to do either! For details about making wire transfers, please contact the Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Anders Jepsen, at ajviking@aol.com.